Friday, October 28, 2011

Car Care - Things You Should Know

This paper seeks to provide some assistance or guidance to the drivers "P" which had just driving their cars.

It is hoped diketarakan advice in these results could help motorists when they encounter problems.

It should be reminded of them if you just get himself a new car or plan to get the vehicle "second hand", you should know little of how you can keep the car.

You as a "driver" or "owner" shall not be lets whole-round responsibility for the mechanics to solve all your problems.

The first is recommended that you take steps to become a member / join the Automobile Association of Malaysia (AAM - Automobile Association of Malaysia).

Become a member of every year fees of about RM60 only. A.A.M. will provide assistance and services 24 hours in the Klang Valley.

In addition, as drivers regardless of their gender should be aware of your own car. Short words, you as a woman should not "ignorant" about car care.

There are a few car parts or components that should be introduced to you. The first "plugs". Most cars have four pieces, except Kancil 3 only. Usually not a lot of problems relating to these components.

New car, or "second hand", if the plugs changed 6-9 months is sufficient. Leave it to the mechanics to decide when to change this component.

Second, it is "water filters" (air filters). These components filter the air entering the carburetor. Today the air is dirty.

Proposed are changes this section is about 6 months. Remember, air filters may affect the "timing" of an engine.

Third, is the "engine oil" and thus "oil filter". Based on how much miles you dive, the average engine oil / lubricant recommended 5000 miles once converted. There are some people exchange goods according to the period of time.

Prominent to you which of the following similar. For a new car, or "second hand", the easiest, choose the type of lubricants "Multigrade" (10W - 50W).

If there is any abstruseness, refer your mechanic / foreman.

There is a component that needs to be reminded to you. This is the fuel filter. There was dirt in the fuel material.

From time to time, make sure that these components are changed. This step can help ensure that your vehicle will run quoting with smooth or slippery.

The fifth component is the "radiator" or water tanks. The temperature of your car is controlled by this section. Plastic tube connected to the engine radiator (water tank).

From time to time peek plastic saved water level. If the lack of water, fill this place. No need to fill the water in the radiator. There's only open the radiator cover. Motorists are reminded that lack of experience never attempt to open the radiator cap is hot.

This is because the temperature / hot water can be splashed out and hurt your body / hands / your members.

The sixth should I remind you is the "brake oil". Note the plastic brake oil flowed to the top.

Dont let levels fell to below.

Use DOT 3 brake oil. Avoid the use of DOT 4 (for cold weather vehicles such as Europe).

If the brake oil red, it can be mixed with the green brake oil. Dont worry about interfere with both the brake oil colors.

The seventh component is the "wheels". There are three things - stress, balance and alignment. You should be aware of the tire.

Due to third on a little strange for someone who just can license, then proposed to leave to change the tire specialist.

The one good that you learn to create your own stress. The simplest, must remember the rear wheel pressure 24-26 psi (pounds per sq. Inch) and next, because the engine cover, 26 -28 psi.

The third brake light or brake both sides there were times when not ligh up. Change bulb only. You can do conversion himself. If in difficulty, send it to your mechanic.

Remember, if any brake lights are not burning, you may have to summon the police.

"Horn" sometimes fail to function, especially during rainy weather. This component is placed at the bottom of the vehicle exposed to water and easily damaged. Horn broken complicated driver.

To overcome this problem, send it to the mechanic.

Another important component of our cars is the "battery". The battery is now not to care, no need to add water as the old types.

If you are still using the old type to bateru filled with water, make sure the battery water level reached the top level. The water used to fill the battery water battery can usually be purchased goods shop auto supply stores.

The battery consists of nine types of plates or 13 plates. The 13 plates of larger, more powerful, more durable than 9 plates. Keep a good battery and your battery will last approximately 15 months average.

The last one, things, or even a small component, always forgotten, many drivers, but remember, you can get a summons if happen to you. Numbor your rear plate.

Always note the number plate from time to time. If it does not flare up, like for bulb. It costs a few cents just to avoid you liable to suit.

I apologize in advance if there are differences that occur between the opinions that I presented the opinions of other speakers.

Driving Made Easy

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