Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Guides During Emergencies

A. Had to stop at the Highway:

- Give the signal and exit the highway's shoulder gently.

- Lower the front lights were lit at dusk, night and rain.

- Turn on the lights in the vehicle and emergency lights.

- If the vehicle is stopped at the corner or on top of the hill and the danger area, remove
passengers away from the traffic flow.

- Ensure that emergency equipment is placed within a distance of 5 meters behind the vehicle.

- Lift the bonnet and get help.

B. Forward mirrors Breach:

- Slow down, increase the interval of the window and stopped in a safe place.

- Range blanket or cloth on the dashboard and place the pieces of glass on a blanket or cloth

- Protect eyes by wearing glasses.

- Replace the broken windshield immediately.

C. Facing the accident:

- Low speed limit can reduce the force of impact. Way to the road shoulder on the left
and drive out of the road.

- Sound the horn and turn on your headlights. Do not try to turn to the right because
motorists might be surprised and hit you.

Meaning Number In Tires

In fact, each tire has detailed information on the type, size and keumpamaan, including the week and year of release. anyone can understand this information to choose the right tires for their vehicles. The most accurate way to understand is to select an example of the tires and look into it little by little.

Below is a guide to the meaning of the most important number for a tire. For example, we examine the following numbers: 175/70R13 82H. The first 175 numbers in the series refers to the width in millimeters, the distance is measured from side to side. usually if the larger figure is more than the width of the tires. Number 70 said the aspect ratio (ratio aspact) tires or tire height than the width of the tire.

In the example, the height of the tire width 70% adalag tires. Usually tires with aspect ratio below 55 are classified as low-profile tires. Low-profile tires give the overall handling performance even better comfort aspects may be affected slightly.

The letter "R" refers to radial construction tires and all car tires use radial construction 20 years ago. Radial construction tires and tubes do not have better performance. The figure 13 refers to the diameter (diameter) rim to allow the tire load. If you want to switch to a larger diameter tire, you also need to change the diameter of the rim.

Number 82 represents the index's ability to carry heavier tires. To find the maximum weight represents the number "82" we should refer to the chart 'index tire carrying capacity of heavy "set at the international level. for example, the number 82 means the tire is able memikiu maximum weight 475 pounds. Journal of the maximum weight on each tire, we must multiply 4 times to get heavy carrying capacity of vehicles with four wheels. (Example: 475 x 4 = 1900 kg)

The letter "H" the last is to express the maximum speed for a tire that is designed. The standard speed of H in the example means that the tire can achieve and maintain a speed as far as 210 km / h. Below is a chart listing the maximum speed as dilambang by each letter of the alphabet.

S-180 km / h
T-190 km / h
U-200 km / h
H-210 km / h
V 240 km / h
Z-than hadlaju 240 km / h
W-270 km / h
Y-300 km / h
For tires with a speed capability over 270 km / h, the letters ZR to be used.

How To Keep The Car Shine

The effect of sunlight, rain, muddy, dew and environmental pollution are natural factors that cause your car dirty and pasty.

But, for those who care for and hard to wash their own cars, the color of your car will always be captured, although it has been aged five to 10 years. In fact, you sure are not in vain as the car clean and shiny, has a high market value upon resale.

Some car owners are do not have time to wash the car. They are willing to withdraw money as a reward of RM5 to RM10 car wash. However, if washing themselves, other content, such work is an exercise.

In fact, no secret or devices that can prevent the car from the paint to fade and fade fast. It relates to your sensitivity, just like you take care of the body. What is important is to wash the car often, because they could avoid the effects of pollution, avoiding the car body from getting stuck dust, especially that can cause rust.

In essence, the car should be washed once every two or three weeks. When washing cars, cleaning materials used must be selected carefully.

The choice of detergent can lead to inaccurate risk of corrosion to the car.
You are advised to never use soap or detergent to wash the car, clothing detergents contain salts that can cause rust. To facilitate cleaning, use a soft cloth or sponge. You need to flush the vehicle with plenty of water to remove bubbles before drying with a clean cloth.

In addition to soap, some car owners who use polishing after washing to make car paint more glossy. Polishing materials capable of removing gunk on the car body. However, you must select the appropriate polishing materials to your car, either regular or metallic paint. Car flash techniques should also be studied to ensure that the use of the substance in accordance with the price. Make sure the material is placed on a clean cloth and polish. After that, rub it evenly over the surface of the car. Ideally, you do the rubbing with a circular motion. You have to wait a few minutes until the polishing material is applied to stick to the white color is changed before it is scrubbed for the second time.

User most important thing is never use polishing substances under the scorching sun because it leads to unsatisfactory results. No doubt many consumers are deceived buying polishes and cleaners low quality shampoo. Low-quality materials have side effects such as color and cause damage scratched the surface.

Often, car owners only focus on the care of the car exterior. They often leave the car, which also reflects the cleanliness of a car.

Some sections of iron or window frame, especially, the edge of the floor and the door frame, also has a painted part. This section should also be cleaned because the angles at the door tetingkat and often traps water and dust. If you leave, sooner or later he may leave severe rust. Optimal cleaning would include the entire interior and exterior car components, including engines. However, you should always be careful if you want to clean the engine as quite sensitive to water, particularly as a result of a strong jet of water.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tips For Buying Used Vehicle


Each individual dream to buy a new motor vehicle. Is not this the reason or main reason we work? Unfortunately for some individuals, the dream of buying a new car will remain a dreambecause not everyone has an income that enables him to purchase a new vehicle. Used vehicles are an alternative to thoseusers who need a vehicle to commute to work.

Here is a guide to get a good used vehicles and commensurate with the value of money is spent:

Service record

Check Vehicles

Symptoms Of Accident

Check Engine

Check the radiator

Check Exhaust

Check the Cable Car

Vehicle Sound Check

Check the Vehicle Equipment

Check the Engine Oil

Service History

Beware The Salesman

Think Before  Decision Making