Thursday, December 1, 2011

Vehicle Offroad Tips

If your vehicle is to be off road for a period of time you would need to follow the tips provided below:

Ensure the vehicle is parked in a safe place where there would be no worry about falling objects.

If there is a problem of pests in the area where your vehicle is to be parked tie some naphthalene balls (Tar balls) in a small pouch and place the same under the bonnet, in the boot section and also in the cabin area.

Disconnect the battery terminals, to avoid any possibility of an electrical short circuit. Ensure that petroleum jelly is smeared over battery terminals to prevent oxidization.

If the vehicle were to remain stationary for a long period of time you would need to jack the vehicle up. Only an inch or two above the ground level would be required. Ensure that the jack is safe and will take the weight of the vehicle. You could also use blocks of wood or cement. The requirement is to take the weight of the vehicle off the tyres.

Fill the fuel tank to the top prior to garaging the vehicle. This will prevent the tank insides from catching rust.

Use a garage cover on the vehicle to prevent the paintwork from damage.

While re-starting the vehicle check all lubricant and coolant levels.

Get the battery charged at an authorized service agent prior to connecting the same.

Use water and a wet cloth to remove any oxidization (green powdery build up on the battery wire terminal). After the same has been cleaned use some polish paper to clean the contact area of the terminal to the battery.

Remove the vehicle from the stand if the air pressure is low in the Tyre get the same filled to the recommended pressure prior to using the vehicle.

Ensure all electrical connections are in place and no wires have been stripped or bitten by rodents or other such pests. If a bare wire is seen use insulation tape to cover the same. Also remember to get the same checked by a qualified electrician.

Open all doors and boot section of the vehicle and have the same cleaned with a damp cloth. This will get rid of the smell within the vehicle. Use an air freshener if necessary.

Start the vehicle. Do not rev the engine immediately after starting. The oil pressure needs to develop within the engine. If a cold engine is revved up it may cause a bearing failure and may also damage other parts.

After the engine has reached operating temperature drive the vehicle for a short while. Exercise caution while carrying out this operation. The brakes may not operate as required initially.

By PowerMoto

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