Saturday, October 15, 2011

Car Care Tips

Best way Save Petrol
Users could try to reduce vehicle fuel consumption rate to its lowest level.This situation must be for minimum fuel consumption can save on petrol. In this regard, it is important that you observe the rate of fuel consumption is not just high prices but excessive use of the substance indicates the engine is damaged.
If you find that using too much petrol in the vehicle, check its sources before purchasing any tools to reduce fuel consumption which is available on the market. This is because the purchase of the tool may not be affected if the car you have a problem to cause increased fuel consumption. The best way to save fuel and maintain the level of fuel consumption is to make adjustments to the engine. In addition, the important thing to know is the attitude of consumers and driving because it is a lot of influence on fuel consumption.
Among them, two or three gear too long before changing into the next gear, a habit too hard to press gas pedal when driving flat or downhill can cause excessive fuel consumption Consequently, when you make adjustments to the engine, it helps reduce fuel consumption up to 15 percent . Driving the wrong technique is also a source of fuel consumption exceeds 20 percent. 

In addition, you also need to know when to bring more of the burden of the appropriate rate also causes the rate of fuel consumption than the normal level.

Therefore, you should see the boot of your car, there may be many things, which was in the boot, but carried to and fro. It would increase the engine load. You should bring only necessary items such as car repair equipment and tools that can help during an emergency. Career (tools carry the roof of the car) can also increase fuel consumption at a rate of five per cent. 

It should be remembered, never put his career if you do not plan to bring the goods over the roof of the car. Prevent air from leaving a career behind the well when the car accelerates. In a normal hot engine can also help improve your car's mileage and performance. Let the engine warm before starting the journey and never start a journey without a plan in advance which way to destinations. Do not take short cuts to a destination if the road further away one or two yards ensured better. This is because you need to frequently change gears if using inappropriate roads.
  • When on a former parking whiff of oil droplets or petrol should you need to check whether there is a leak in the tank or not. If the leak in the tank, take the car to the workshop for repairs or if a leak in the fuel pipe, you need to tighten the joint use spana.
  • When the air filter is clogged, it causes the entry of air into the cylinder is reduced, while consumption will more than usual. So you should check the air filter element if it is dirty, you need to clean it.
  • When the engine is in poor condition or when ekzosnya clogged the fuel consumption will be excessive. So your vehicle should be brought to the workshop for inspection. Fuel consumption will be excessive when your vehicle is often dimati and turned on.
How to turn on the car when the battery is weak
Car owners will be devastated when the car can not be turned on because the battery is weak, or other problems in the engine. Anxiety increased significantly when the problem happens when you rush to the office, hospital or audience. 
There are reasons why the engine if it can not be turned on even if the key is turned to the 'start'. When the engine will be switched easily as batteries and / or motor starter in disrepair, usually the engine will start with the following procedures: 

1: Turn the engine by pushing the vehicle to the car user. Despite the weak battery, the engine will be switched on by pushing the vehicle when the battery is at least still be able to explain headlights. 
First, turn the switch and then seek the help of two or three people to push your car forward. When the vehicle has been running pretty fast, then release the pedal. When the engine is able to function, fast pijaklah pijaklah pedal while the accelerator pedal to increase engine torque. Using the same procedure, the car can also be turned on by another vehicle pulled. Still, the procedure both techniques can not be used for automatic cars.
2: Another way is to start the engine with the help of a battery from another vehicle. If you have any other vehicle with a battery that is good and available cable is long enough, the engine can be switched on by connecting the positive terminal to the positive and negative to negative from both the vehicle.This method can be done when both batteries have the same power. When the starter contact switch is turned, the starter motor usually works, but there are instances when the engine is not rotating axle. And in other cases, the starter contacts when the switch is turned, the engine can work but is not going well and then die suddenly. In this case, the damage that may occur is damage to the starter motor, starter motor teeth or damaged wheel forces.Genesis is not the first time there. In other cases when the contact switch is turned, the starter motor turns the engine axle work and fast but the engine can not function or starter contacts when the switch is turned, the engine work is not going well and then die suddenly.
In both cases, they may face damage to the transmission system, fuel system (petrol) or ignition system. When the starter motor to rotate the axle work and a good engine but the engine can not function, then it shows the damage did not occur in the battery and start equipment. Usually, when the compression process will run smoothly, the engine will not suddenly broken.Thus, the damage should be sought on petrol and the transmission system penyalaannya. 

When that situation occurs, the matter should be examined are: whether the oil in the tank, is enough oil in the carburettor? If sufficient, this means that damage may be located on the ignition system. 

If the spill is (carburettor wet), the engine is switched difficult because oil in the chamber too much. Oil spill closes needles usually happens because the handling of oil entry to the room floats (the carburettor) does not work, probably because of dust stuck. If the spill is on the engine failure, remove the oil from the carburettor, clean the dirt in the needle and re-close the oil.
Abundant carburettor engine can be turned on in the following manner. Foot pedal full of petrol, run the starter motor. Oil coming from the carburetor into the cylinder through the suction channel can be removed and then the engine to function. Control board such that the rotation of the engine oil is too high.However, it is possible that the engine can not function, while still full of carburetor. In this case, bring to your mechanic for repair.
Tire safety tips
EXCEPT the engine and brakes, tires are among the most important component of a vehicle. Obstinacy and negligence in the care and change the tires that are not flowering may invite trouble on the road. 
Tires play an important role during braking and must be durable to withstand stress and the road surface which at times are blended. Tires must also provide comfort when taking corners and steering control in any event.Typically, major tire manufacturers in this country always provide tire safety tips to drivers. 

Here are just some useful guidelines:
· Quickly change the tires if the flower is worn out. This tire to skid, affected by the braking effect and less sensitive in terms of grip. In wet road conditions, vehicle may crash and make it difficult for the driver control. 
· Choosing tires is important for safety, comfort, control and economy. 
brake suddenly can cause tire slip. Check your tire pressure at least twice a month, when the tires in the cold. Manufacturers also stressed the priority to maintain tire pressure. 
· Do not drive in a damaged tire. Change or fix it as soon as possible. 
· Instant tire repair is not normal. Get used to check the pressure, alignment and tire rotation. Avoid alcohol while driving such as driving too fast, braking suddenly and took a dangerous turn. 
· Make sure the replacement tires are in good condition and can be used and have enough air pressure. 
· Do not mix radial tires with and without radial tires. At high speeds, the situation is causing interference which resulted in loss of vehicle stability control and serious injury. 
· Always keep your tires properly installed screws and not too tight. It is impossible to open the screw tires with regular tires opener if it is too tightened with a starter machine air tires. 
· Do not allow overloaded tires. Chart weight and wind pressure is usually open in the wind to fill in any stations. Tires can only accommodate a maximum if it has a maximum wind pressure. 
· Do not install tires that have been used indiscriminately unless you know its history. It means, you are lucky if your sister one set of tires because he wanted to buy new tires.
How to Keep Car In Long Term
For some people a car is not just transport, but as a collection of highly disayangi.Malah for those who often deals outside the country, surely they had to leave the vehicle during the period of time in the garage. 

If the vehicle is left on for long periods it can affect performance of the vehicle or hard on. There are several techniques to keep the car in a long time either in the six months to many years without reducing performance. If you encounter this situation put the vehicle in the garage, a dry and cold. 

Also follow several steps that must be done. The first step is to disconnect the car battery cable. It is to turn off the vehicle battery current, if left too long the vehicle battery may be weak. 

Fill fuel tank full if you keep the vehicle more than one year, it seeks to overcome the problem steam, water damage and corrosion. Before you save the vehicle, replace the engine oil and filter.
Keselinder Instill a new engine oil to provide a protective layer on the also need to drain all the air to prevent corrosion occurring on that part. It is also to prevent problems due to liquid cooling or contact with aluminum. 

Do not dry the air radiotor. If the age of one and a half years have been cooler, replace with new ones. Full contents of brake oil. Change, if it exceeds two years. Long oil will damage metal components. 

To prevent damage to the vehicle shock absorbers, Tual all four wheels to rest wheels, bearings and other components of shock absorbers. 

wrap your car with a cloth, do not forget to open the window slightly to allow air entry and exit. Based on the information it helps you to overcome the problem of the vehicle when left for a prolonged period.

How to keep the car shine
The effect of sunlight, rain, muddy, dew and environmental pollution are natural factors that cause your car dirty and pasty. 

But, for those who care for and hard to wash their own cars, the color of your car will always charming, even if it was five to 10 years. In fact, you sure are not in vain as the car clean and shiny, has a high market value upon resale. 

Some car owners are lazy or do not have time to wash the car. They are willing to withdraw money as a reward of RM5 to RM10 car wash. However, if washing themselves, other content, such work is an exercise. 

In fact, no secret or devices that can prevent the car from the paint to fade and fade fast. It relates to your sensitivity, just like you take care of the body.What is important is to wash the car often, because they could avoid the effects of pollution, avoiding the car body from getting stuck dust, especially that can cause rust. 

In essence, the car should be washed once every two or three weeks. When washing cars, cleaning materials used must be selected carefully. 

The choice of detergent can lead to inaccurate risk of corrosion to the car. 
You are advised to never use soap or washing powder to wash the car because it contains detergent salt can cause rust. To facilitate cleaning, use a soft cloth or sponge. You need to flush the vehicle with plenty of water to remove bubbles before drying with a clean cloth. 

In addition to soap, some car owners who use polishing after washing to make car paint more glossy. Polishing materials capable of removing gunk on the car body. However, you must select the appropriate polishing materials to your car, either regular or metallic paint. Car flash techniques should also be studied to ensure that the use of the substance in accordance with the price. Make sure the material is placed on a clean cloth and polish.After that, rub it evenly over the surface of the car. Ideally, you do the rubbing with a circular motion. You have to wait a few minutes until the polishing material is applied to stick to the white color is changed before it is scrubbed for the second time. 

Guidelines most importantly, never use polishing substances under the scorching sun because it leads to unsatisfactory results. No doubt many consumers are deceived buying polishes and cleaners low quality shampoo.Low-quality materials have side effects such as damage to the color and scratched surfaces. 

Normally, car owners only focus on the care of the car exterior. They often leave the car, which also reflects the cleanliness of a car. 

Some parts in particular iron or window frame, floor and side of the door frame, also has a painted part. This section should also be cleaned because the angles at the door tetingkat and often traps water and dust. If you leave, sooner or later he may leave severe rust. Optimal cleaning would include the entire interior and exterior car components, including engines. However, you should always be careful if you want to clean the engine as quite sensitive to water, particularly as a result of a strong jet of water.

Less water in the radiator causes the engine warm
When you see smoke or a burning car in the street, there must be something wrong in the engine. One reason is lack of water in the radiator causing the engine heat. In addition, the engine heat also caused by clogged radiator pipes, dirt and damage the radiator fins on the fan and cooling system thermostat. In fact, less accurate ignition system, damage to the fuel channel system, the exhaust is blocked, the problem dibble, brake friction, and how poor vehicle handling is also causing the engine warms up. 
The engine is too hot can be a dangerous thing if the later act because it can cause your vehicle smoke, fire and subsequently exploded. 

When your car is too hot, stop by the roadside in the shade. You do not need to panic, but to stop the car and try to do their own inspection first. 

The first step, open the car bonnet to cool while the engine and check one of the sources mentioned earlier. After that, check the radiator to ensure that vehicles do not leak in that area. 
After that, check the fan belt. If there is a leak in the radiator or a broken fan belt, switch off the engine. If there is no leak in the radiator and fan belt is still intact, turn on the engine and run it for a while at a higher rotation than normal. 

This was to allow air to flow through the radiator fins in large quantities.Water in the radiator will be cold and the water pump will work more quickly until the cooling water can drain better. 

Not long after that the engine temperature will decrease. Then the rotation of the engine revealed earlier and open the radiator cap. The cover should be opened carefully to avoid danger of hot water and steam spraying out of the radiator.
Fill water into the radiator while the engine is still slow in the ordinary and turn off the engine if there had been a cold. If too little water in the radiator, it will cause the engine to heat and steam will come out of the radiator. In this case, switch off the engine immediately and check the radiator. 

First, open the radiator cap back once and ketukannya using screwdrivers and slowly rotate the cloth. 

Hold firmly closed up steam in the radiator to flow and pressure in the radiator to be low. After that cap is released. If there is a leak in the radiator, especially at the connection pipe or channel, turn the engine at a higher rotation than usual and check the connection points. The situation was critical because there are some leaks are not visible at low engine rotation. If there is a leak, tighten the screw fasteners and loop fasteners, if damaged, use the wire in place. If there are leaks, wrap the damaged parts with tape and reinforced with wire. You have to remember that improvement is only for a while before the car brought to a workshop near.
A clogged radiator pipes due to the scale or rust will affect the water cycle or cause it to stop even though there are a lot of water. The situation may be understood by examining the flow of waste water at the tap. If water flow is not smooth or not out at all, the situation shows clogged radiator pipes. 

To fix it, open the water tap on the engine block to the cooling water can be produced. Open the radiator cap and rinse with clean water for about 10 minutes to remove scale or rust is. Radiator fins due to impurities in the dry leaves, insects or mud that sticks to the face will cause the radiator cooling air flow will be interrupted until the water warms. Impurities on the surface can be cleaned with high pressure air or water menyemburnya. Confusion on vehicle handling measures also cause engine warms up. Although the engine is in good condition but when the vehicle is climbing a hill or overloading, it can get hot. The engine is cooled back to you shortly how to stop the vehicle, opened the bonnet, turn on the engine at high rotation or fill the radiator with cold water.
Gear box care tips
This time I share my knowledge on how to care manual and auto gearbox. 
When we buy a new car, all parts are new including the gear box. And if we note, is indicated when the millage our car reached 1,000 km, we need to send a car for the first service. The first service is the last check-up should be done on all cars by the car manufacturer. Things to be checked at the first service including changing all oil in the car, including gear box oil. Do not ignore the first service is due at this time the engine oil and oil gear box containing excess iron or iron dust in the engine will be removed to prevent the engine and gear box terhakis.Bagi who buy secondhand car, what to do, change the gear box oil once you purchase the car and record the reading of your car millage. For auto, every 15,000 or 20,000 km, oil change anda.Bagi manual gear box, each of 40.000 
or 50.000 km you change gear box oil. 
This is very important to secure your gear box is moving smoothly and in a 
state of "normal operating temperature" during time. However millage necessary to change the gear box oil depends depress car and the type of gear box (follow guidelines in the manual car).
I suggest every oil change twice a gear box, enter some gear treatment.Every time a car service, ask the mechanic to check the oil level once a gear box of your car. Make sure it is above the minimum. DO NOT DRIVE GEAR OIL LEVEL IF LESS THAN MINIMUM LEVEL TO AVOID GEAR TOOTH DAMAGES. 

For the car owner, while driving should never put your foot on the clutch pedal. In can shorten the life span of a tone plate clutch and gear damage your car. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO 'SPIN WHEEL'. Adjust the level so that the clutch is in 
a suitable condition to the length of your legs (ask mechanic). 

Do not force entry if gear not otherwise try to let handbrek first (especially deer). When he arrived at traffic lights, gear and pull handbrek naturalkan. Do not let the engine idle in bergear. Seek help to identify speed mechanical 
gearbox maximum driving your car and do not exceed the speed of 
this maximum. For auto, make sure you understand the use of all gear levels of 
P, R, D, L, 2 and 3. For normal driving, use only D and when cut, use the "overdrive button". If your car does not have overdrive button (1.6 heroes have overdrive button and not the hero of 1.3, 1.5, deer), you must accept the fact that 
your car can not be driven by aggresive. Do not use the overdrive button at speeds exceeding 100 km / h because the overdrive button function as we down gear from fifth gear to fourth gear when the gear cut and fixed in 4 until we offka overdrive button. Imagine at a speed exceeding 100 km / h we can turn the gear to gear 4 or 3. If we were not lucky, we may be able to collect all the gears and screws scattered on the road. Gears 2, 3, and L is for the car up when 
we can not climb steep slopes. The level of this gear is to 
use low speed (depending on the type of car).
For the semi-auto cars, triptronik, steptronik. Use of gearbox oil that was recommended by the manufacturer is very important. NEVER CHANGE THE TYPE OF GEAR BOX OIL EXCEPT THE ADVICE OF PRODUCERS. Shifting from high to low speed must follow are recommended by the discharge or escape pengeluar.Sekiranya oil or gearbox oil out of you, do not panic, you do not damage the gear box, possibly only gear box oil seal is 'dead'. Just check the level of 
gear box oil more often and make sure it is always cukup.Setiap time we change the clutch plate, change the oil seal even if it does not leak because the life of the gearbox oil seal is usually equal to the life of clutch plates.Lastly, if you use auto car made ​​in Europe or not the Japanese, be sure not to blow out any wires that are connected to the gear box when upgraded sound system, alarm or any 
modifications. And try 'Stroke' and 'driving gently, as if the gear box is damaged, the average repair cost RM2000 and RM7000 to change the gear box (store cut) or RM12000 (Recon and certified EON) (except for Perdana V6 = RM 22,000).
Radiators care tips
Meet again with the other tips that can save the maintenance cost of the car radiator maintenance. Radiator is an important ancillary components in a car using water cooling system. But there is also a car with no radiator because it uses air cooling systems, such as VW or volkswagon. Weaknesses and benefits of water cooling system are as follows: 

1. Water cooling system to prevent engine overheating because the water used to cool the engine and then through the radiator, the water will be cooled before going back into the engine. In this way the state to stop any engine can run at long periods without overheating problems. But the engine that uses air cooling system will have problems overheating when the car is not moving in a long time because it requires air 
moving to cool the engine. 

2. Water cooling system is not too extreme, such as air cooling system. It requires maintenance from time to time and vice versa for the air cooling system. How maintenance of the radiator:
Every 3 months: 
1. unlock the bottom radiator hose (this key is usually made ​​of plastic) and the radiator cap and let the water run until no more water flows from the radiator. 

2. Open water from the tap (must be a powerful medium flow rate) and enter into the radiator, wait a while until the water has come out of the radiator, then turn on the engine. 

3. Let the engine idle and the water flows out until the water coming out of the radiator is no longer rusty or colored tea with milk or milo. 

4. Turn off the engine, put the key back in the covers the portion below the radiator hose and fill the radiator with water taps without using coolant up to the full. 

5. Turn on the engine without the radiator cap off. Actually, after a while, when the engine hot, the water in the radiator will not boil. If boiling, this means that there are non-specific function in the cooling system. Maybe clogged radiator, or the thermostat is not working.
6. This should be done every three months or more frequently to avoid clogged radiator or a water flow system in the engine clogged with rust or corrosion of iron water. If this happens, the engine temperature is no longer a normal and may be increased slightly, and most likely, overheating can occur. 

7. Use can shorten the life of coolant water pump and thermostat and radiator can also cause blockages. 

8. If the radiator is blocked, there is a shop that can clean the radiator without having to remove the radiator by using a special machine. Price wages in about RM35-RM50. I will try to find the store address and will email later. 

9. If the radiator is leaking, I advise, take immediate action to change the radiator (either new or secondhand (shop cut), because if we leave, the possibility of overheating can occur and the cost is around RM1000 mewmbaiki overheating - RM1500 depending on 
the severity of damage. The cost of secondhand radiator conversion ( Store 
cut) less than $ 200. See the other hand, tips for the car. Everything described 
above is based on my experience and that was told to me .
Engine Oil Filter replacement every 10.000 KM
Maintain the vehicle is not just a vehicle to send to the workshop only. The owner must also learn some tips to prevent other problems arising to the vehicle. This guidance provides some exposure to vehicle owners in selecting the type and quality of suitable oil filter when changing engine oil. 

Filter function to maintain the quality of oil is always clean and filtered through a part in it. The instrument is not changed in a long period can cause damage to engine and cause engine problems working system components. 

Before the problem is worse in the vehicle, vehicle owners recommended replacing the oil filter every 10,000 km. However before you must carefully place the following: 

Use the original oil filter. Do not use synthetic oil filters for internal parts mengandungu feared things that can damage the filter components. Besides that filters imitation or cheaper brands use inferior quality paper that did not last long to filter impurities.
Before installing the oil filter, make sure everything inside is always clean from dirt, especially the filter surface. Note that the top of the oil filter there is a paper cover. Ensure that the had been opened when the filter to be installed. Then after the engine is switched on, see whether the engine oil leak around the oil filter or not. 

When replacing the oil filter is usually offset by higher than normal oil. Look to your car. If every 1,000 miles, your car must menambag engine oil, it may indicate that something is not normal to the engine. 

For example, worn piston rings. Use stress testing to detect the damage.Based on that information, vehicle owners should take the necessary steps and observe the standard filter type that is installed to prevent vehicles fitted with low-grade filters.
Beware of Buying Used Cars

Visual Test:
Maybe you already found a car that you requested and decided to buy it. But do not rush to make a decision. You need to check the car carefully in advance. 
At first, note any defects or shatter effect that might indicate the car has been involved in road accidents in the past. Make sure whether the car have been repainted or not. To find out the rubber coating around the note under the door. The new paint may cause the car defects can not be seen. Check the odometer to see the stone count. Make sure they are not damaged or not exchanged for new ones. Check doors, front and back cover can be opened and closed either well without any unpleasant sound. View along side the car from 30 feet to ensure the front wheels and rear wheels in parallel. 
Look down the car to determine whether there is any leakage of liquid. For a good car there is no leakage at any time except by air pemelowapan used during warm days.
Lift the front cover (or back) to see the engine. Engine should be clean, but not necessarily until glossy. Remove the dipstick and check oil clean and thin. Batteries must also be perfect and clean condition. If not you can ask to change to a new agent. Then sit down at the place the car seat and tried to feel keselesaannya. The car you select must be suitable and comfortable for you. Steringnya must only be moved within a distance of 2 inches in the ordinary course and there is no sound when memusingnya. 
Check coordinator seat, lock the doors, elevator mirrors, windows, horn, lights, traffic lights, radios and all the equipment available. Some of them may not be important to you but it may be able to show you how the car is maintained.
Turn on the engine. It should be life rapidly and then gradually slow. Let stand for one or two seconds before you press the accelerator pedal. See smoke coming out the back. Blue smoke means the engine is fully dioverhaul.Meanwhile, black smoke means karburatornya inappropriate. White smoke indicates no such defects if the engine in cold conditions, but if the engine was hot it means the head gasket leak. This requires a large expenditure. So do not buy the car. Powerful engine shaking the car shows are not very good for purchase. Once the engine is heated, turn off the flash and try to swipe your finger into the exhaust (make sure the exhaust is not hot). Should Keladaknya whitish gray. If it is black or oily, just pull the car. This may be caused by burning oil. 
Turn on the engine and check oil in automatic transmission. It must be clean with no smell of burning
Test Drive the
salespeople may try to convince you that making a test drive in short distances such as around a building is sufficient. This is not true. Indicate to whom you want to make a road test of the car. If the salesperson was not interested. Find your car elsewhere. 
Jalan you plan to go through must include a dry road, the road is deserted, hilly roads, streets lekak-depression and the empty parking space. All meters measure must be functioning properly, especially oil gauge and engine temperature. If not do not buy the car. Kejalanraya a quiet drive and increase the speed of 35 mph from primary, tranmission automatinya be changed without any noise or jerky. If the car has a hand conversion systems, it should not stick-sticky or grit. 
Slow down the car by applying braking to 7bsj slowly. Make sure there is no sound. The car must also be slower in a straight line, without twist your right or left.
Increase speed to 15 mph and then press the brake all of a sudden (make sure no other cars behind you). Cars must stop quickly without spun. In the empty parking space and distribution, press the brake to the car just stopped. Switch to reverse gear and reverse at speeds 4bsj. Then press the brake to stop, switch to the next and the next gear. Do this by 4 or 5 times to test the transmission. All changes must be smooth without any sound. 
Drive in the pattern number 8 to test the steering response. If the steering is quite tough, it may be due to linkage or front suspension system. Do not buy the car unless you are assured that the problem will be repaired. 
Still in the empty parking space. Increase speed to about 20bsj and take your hand from the steering wheel for a few seconds. Cars must move straight and not crash. Then gently press the brake without holding a steering wheel. The car must also be stopped in a straight line. If it is spun, it is obvious this car has a problem. Make sure you are assured that this problem will be repaired. 
But the way of drive-dent lekak you choose. Do not buy too much car bergegaratau tendency to exaggerate. The car may have springs or shock absorbers suspension parts damaged. 
When climbing a hill. Increase speed of about 40 mph. Cars must not be stuck-stuck. If this happens, it means the car has a faulty transmission.Down to the middle hills, switch to the free gear and install the hand brake.Cars must be fixed when you release your foot from the brake pedal. Then back to the normal road, stop your car note back before continuing back and increase the speed to about 55 mph. The increase in speed must be smooth and make sure there is no smoke coming out the back and there is no sound that indicates the engine is not so good. If the acceleration (increase speed) took more than 15 seconds, this means the engine is not very good and may need a costly repair expense.
Now reverted spatial parking. After entering the parking space, let the engine for several minutes. Then note down the car if there are drops of oil or not. Lift the engine cover and check the engine again to see any leaks. Ask the salesperson to drive a car across the spaces, and then turned back towards you. Note any anomalies that appear on the car, whether sound or control. 

Finally good too if you bring the car to a mechanic. Bring the car kestesyen service. Mechanics may be able to examine some of the damage that you do not see as well as determine whether the effects of damage you are really serious or not. They also can create pressure on the engine test to check ring or valve. Before you make a selection first check the car title or other documents. The engine and other must be correct. Do not let your UNINTENTIONALLY stolen car.

How to Charge Car Battery
1. Check the battery if there are signs of damage such as cracks, leaks, corrosion, missing cover, loose heads and so on. If there are effects of the terminal is divided white powder, and water battery dry quickly, possibly extended to the battery power is too high. When this occurs, it must be repaired as soon as possible, to avoid damage to the battery. The effects can be known if there are leaks around and under the battery dusty green and white salt. 

2. Check the battery water level at least once a week. This is normally done by employees of the oil pumping stations. If the water is less, plus a battery of water (distilled water). Clean, cold water can also be used. 
However, you do not put excess water from the specified level, as this will cause the battery to water overflow and may cause further damage to the metal parts. To guide you, fill up the black water in flooded batteries only.
3. If there is a white salt dust impact effects on both the battery terminals, clean it with a mixture of sodium carbonate (baking soda - baking powder) with a measure of one teaspoon of powder in a cup of water. This mix applied to the battery terminals and it will bubble. These bubbles will stop when it is clean. Next rinse with cold water used. Strengthen the bond head with a neat battery if necessary. 

4. Strengthen the power of the battery using the battery charger if necessary.Avoid using drugs that are battery shop. These materials can strengthen the batteries are usually recognized, but in fact this action futile. 
Air battery shop sale is the type of desalinated water (distilled water), but when he filled in the battery it will be mixed with water and become liquid battery acid sulfuric. So avoid acid contact with clothing or skin. Do not add the sulfuric acid into the battery.
How To Switch Car At Low Battery II
This method requires a pair of wires. This wire must be rough as the battery wire and measure between 20 to 25 cm long and mounted at the ends clip.Preferably one red and one black. You also have a friend who drive and have a good battery. 
First of all, connect the black wire from the negative terminal (-) from battery negative terminal of battery to your friend (without stripping out the head of the battery or any part of the car battery). 
Second, connect the red wire from the positive terminal (+) from battery to battery positive terminal of your friends. 
Third, turn on your car as usual. 
Finally, after the engine of life, remove the wire from the positive terminal, followed by the negative terminal.
Using the push method: 

This method requires only the strong partners to push your car. First of all, turn the car key to 'ON'. Then enter your gear and hit two clutch. Give a signal to your friends to start rejecting the car. When the car is a bit less speed, slowly release the clutch. God willing, the engine will live. To your attention, this can not be done on automatic bergear car.
Engine Oil: What Must Be Known
Many of us like to drive. But not many people who care in the selection of lubricants for the car. Whereas, if you looked for a moment, the engine is the heart of the car and it was only able to provide performance and durability you'd expect if treated with care. The main factor in keeping the engine so that it is good is the selection of high quality engine oil. Only good quality oils can help you achieve it all.

Frequent lubrication:
Lubricating oil flows down to the bottom of the reservoir when the car engine is not used at night. Drop in temperature would also thicken the oil. This means that oil must be thin enough to flow to the ball (bearings) once the engine is switched on in the morning. But, when the temperature is increased due to a car engine speed, the lubricant must be strong enough to make himself as a membrane to protect the carburetor, valve lever, swing arm and valve tip. You need a lubricant that is balanced and has a sticky mixture of the right to keep the engine lubrication in hot and cold extremes. Penzoil oil is designed to ensure rapid lubrication occurs when the engine is switched from the cold or at high temperatures for long trip or because the travel speed dibandar uncertain. 

Protection against corrosive acid:

Steam and gas produced when fuel or fuel burn. When a hot engine to cool, some of the steam to thicken and mix with the gas to become a corrosive acid around the circle (the engine), cylinders, and pistons. This resulted in the erosion of parts or rust. This incident, however, can be reduced if there are frequent lubrication.
Always maintain a clean engine : 

petrol or fuel combustion produces soot and carbon deposits. Good lubricating oil will float side materials collected not to combustion chamber side-side up to interfere with engine ignition, a difficult journey and ultimately lose power. 
When your car engine oil changed at other times, please note that the engine oil changed color from space under the engine. A good lubricant will flow out of the engine with a jet black color because it contains particles dilekangkan from the edge of the combustion chamber and will be removed from the engine when the engine oil changed. 
If the lubricating oil flowing out of the engine clean, which means dirt been left behind in the engine. After a long period, the remaining material will be eroded parts of the engine. 
When this happens, ask your mechanic to put Pennzoil into the engine. Then you see color when changed later. You'll find it's black as the oil can clean the parts that stick the material. This cleaning can only be done by the oil quality.

Vehicle tires vibrate Haus Causes
There were times when the driver is not comfortable when held vibrating steering and unstable because of the weight to the left or right. More troubling, when the entire car body vibrates follow. 
When faced with this situation, the main reason given attention damages including front tire pressure is too low or not the same size, the front tire wear is not the same, wear or steering system connection flexibility or steering gear box shaking, adjustment range is not quite right front wheel and front wheels are not balanced. 
If such problems would not have driver and passenger comfort, especially if you are going long distances. For that, cause damage and vibration must be known. When a passenger vehicle or truck, small trucks, especially on rough or damaged road, there will usually be felt shaking the steering wheel should be held up strongly. However, you also can feel the vibration or shaking of the steering wheel and vehicle body even flat and good road conditions, at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour (kmj) and 80km. 
Such a situation is called 'shimmy'. So, if faced with this situation is first check the front tire pressure, steering systems or screw the front wheels.Then check the front tire wear, preferably still has flowers with thick ribs at least 2mm. 
Use the new tires for the trip out of town. It is possible that the vibrations that occur can be removed when the tire is worn out or replaced with new tires after the tires on either side, changed its position. However, if the vibration is still felt, too, should check more carefully done because of the concern for flexibility due to wear or rod steering system and front suspension system, or because the front wheel alignment adjustments are less than perfect, resulting unbalanced wheel. 
To inspect and make repair of the problem is needed tools and skills.Equipped with a tire wheel balancing equipment. The tool shows mainly park and balancing that must be installed on the rim of the wheel. 
'Shimmy' can occur when the wheel is not locked properly in place, or the axle rod is not collinear with the hole in the wheel. So, many factors that could cause 'shimmy'; some errors can be fixed easily, but there are also in need of specific expertise to address them.
Causes of increased petrol consumption
Before you fill up RM30 to put petrol in your car and can travel up to 200 miles. Now the same number of cars you can only withstand 150 miles only.Some say your car is hard to eat petrol. 

The use of petrol increased by several factors such as leakage, surface fuel in the carburettor float space is too high, the air filter is clogged or the adjustment screw on the carburetor is not accurate. 
Furthermore, it may be due to the time of ignition less accurate, plug wear, cut-out switch is on fire, compression is not enough, the valve is not working, the exhaust is blocked, the problem in the dibble or brake friction. 

To find out the cause, first, the owner should check with a look at parking. 
If there is ex-droplet oil or gasoline smell in the area, means that the vehicle may have a leak and it should be sent to workshop for repair. 
However, if leakage occurs at the petrol pipe fitting, tighten loose connections using spanar and if it leaks, open the screw and thread lilitkan vinyl and tighten the connection is back. 

Actually, there are a few tips and tricks to a minimum to save on fuel consumption but also saves your daily expenses. 

Accordingly, it is important that you observe the rate of fuel consumption is not just the price is high but the excessive use of the substance indicates your car is damaged. 

If you find that using too much petrol in the vehicle, check its sources before purchasing any tools help a lot to reduce fuel consumption in the market. 
This is because the purchase of the tool may not be affected if the car you have a problem to cause increased fuel consumption. Generally the best way to maintain the level of fuel consumption is to make adjustments to the engine. 

The important thing to know is the attitude of consumers and driving because it is a lot of influence on fuel consumption. Among them, two or three gear too long before changing into the next gear, a habit too hard to press gas pedal when driving flat or downhill can cause excessive fuel consumption.Therefore, when you make adjustments the engine, it helps reduce fuel consumption up to 15 percent in addition to driving the wrong technique is also a source of fuel consumption exceeds 20 percent or more. 

In addition, you also need to know when to bring more of the burden of rates suitable also cause fuel consumption rate exceeds the normal level. 
As such, you should see the boot of your car, there may be many things, which was in the boot, but carried to and fro. It would increase the engine load. 

You should bring only necessary items such as car repair equipment and tools that can help during an emergency. 
Career (tools carry the roof of the car) can also increase fuel consumption at a rate of five percent. Prevent air from leaving a career behind the well when the car accelerates. 
The engine in the normal summer conditions can help improve your car's mileage and performance. Let the engine warm before starting the journey and never start a journey without a plan in advance which way to destinations.
Checking the steering wheel Cause Weight
There were times when the driver does not feel comfortable when the steering becomes tight and heavy. You need to use more energy to rotate the steering wheel and difficult situation, especially when parking and when necessary a lot of turning. 
I clan 
of the reason this has happened, including the front tire pressure is too low, the alignment (alignment) is not quite right front tire, shortage or damage oil in the steering gear box, the lack of grease on the steering rod extension or lining the front tires less than perfect coordination on the navigation equipment.
When confronted with this situation, first check the tire pressure front and steering rod lubrication connections. Some checks can be done easily, tongkatlah vehicle until both front wheels suspended. Then check whether the connection and screw tight navigation system. 

The part that should be prioritized inspection, including steering gear box, or front suspension ball joints, including the tip and base of the tie rods. To learn degradation putarlah steering to the left and right. After that putarlah steering full right, then move the steering wheel slightly to the left and right.
Navigation system has a very important role, but beware of the many variations that exist. 

In other situations, when driving a vehicle on a flat road, steering feel inclined to rotate to a direction. So, the steering had held firmly to prevent it continues to rotate in one direction. 

This situation usually occurs because the left and right tire pressure is not the same, the diameter of the left and right rim is not the same, coordination less precise alignment of the front wheel, a spring (spring) suspension next to an already weak, broken or bad installation, hawker front wheel is damaged or poor coordination and brake from one of the front or rear wheel friction. 

When confronted with this situation, first make sure that the load is balanced enough vehicles. Then check whether both the front and rear tire pressure. If not, equate. 

Drive vehicle slowly on a flat road. Straighten the vehicle, taste and see how the vehicle is running. When the vehicle is likely to turn to one direction, stop the vehicle and do the next inspection.
Outside diameter of the rim left and right (for front and rear wheels) should be the same. Then check whether one of the front springs are weak or broken. In addition, it is quite possible poor brake adjustment or only one that works. 

Damage to the steering system can affect the security system. Therefore, the front wheel alignment aspects of care can not be underestimated.

Brake System
As we know, the brakes are very important in a car. Without it we would not dare to drive the car if we know it. 

For car owners who have changed their car engines to engines that have "brake horsepower" or BHP higher (over 25 bhp and above), be sure to examine and reevaluate the system existing original brakes on your car. Do as I save, you ignore your brake system. It is better if when you buy haftcut your car, buy a car with the brake system and install on your car. Deer that ever happened was the car engine to convert Mira L5 breknya system but still original. And incidentally the current out of the workshop, an emergency occurred and the car can not be stopped even if the driver says he hit the brake until the stand. 

basic system consists of disk brakes or drum, brake lining (brake pads), the oil channel, pump vacuum (large black object round flat right in front of the steering kompamen engine), engine oil fund, padel brake 
(brake press a). All the basic tools above must be treated with care to brake effectively. 

New Car. During the first service, ask the mechanic to check all disk and drum brakes, including brake pads. Make sure the brake pads utterly floating between two tweezers and disk in the middle. For drums, make sure the brake pads do not touch the drum or friction effects that appear are equal. If not flat, ask the mechanic check for this would be a problem when it left. If you can ask the mechanic to adjust the brake pedal is not too 'eat' sudden and appropriate to the length of our legs. If the brake oil is dirty (muddy color), ask the mechanic to change. 

How the brake systems of care. 

1. Every once in a month, check your car's brake oil level (oil bottles front of the vacuum pump). Make sure the oil is between the minimum and maximum diparas. DO NOT DRIVE UNLESS BRAKE OIL LEVEL IS BELOW MINIMUM LEVEL. 

2. Every six months when we want to merotate our car tires, check brake pads. Make sure the layer is still thick claw. If we find the gripping 'eat' is not the same between the left and right, ask the mechanic check the brakes or oil channels brake pressure system because kemungkinanatekana imposed on both the brake is not the same and is very dangerous to drive, especially during high speed braking. The same thing needs to be done to the brake drum. 

3. In the event of brake oil discharge effects (seen paint or any material derived from petroleum melted) on any part, ask the mechanic check it. Do not take for granted this because of this leakage may be ketch but will be great when braking because of the pressure imposed on it. 

4. When adding brake oil, brake oil make sure the correct specifications. Dot 3 for normal use (usually a car with a disk in front and drums at the rear) and Dot 4 for heavy use (for cars with four-wheel drive system and high-powered car). If not sure ask the mechanical brake oil mistake can cause the entire brake system, we will suffer damage, especially on the seal made ​​of rubber. 

5. If there are scratches on the disk or drum, ask the mechanic to assess whether it can apply again or not. If we want to change the brake pads, I recommend the grind back disc or switch to a better drummer. These scratches can be a barrier pads grip the disc or drum brakes. As a result, the brake will not work.
6. Damage that often occurs is the brake 'hours'. This occurs because the brake pads do not return a floating when we release the brake and continues to grip the disc. Damage was in the tweezers to control the brake pads. 

7. For auto, front brake pads will wear out faster than the rear (usually two times quickly), make sure you frequently check the front brake pads. 

8. If you want to modify your car's brake system, make sure you get written permission from the RTD because it is the offense and our insurance company will protect you if an accident occurs due to the brake and your brake system has been changed tanap RTD permission. 

9. Avoid driving distance OF is always at the top padel brakes. This can reduce the use of brake pads. 

10. When descending a steep hill, do not use the brakes, engine brake, use (low gear) to control the speed of your car.
11. If you like driving fast and in aggresive, change your car's brake pads are more resistant to heat, such as project U. Make sure you also change your brake system, fuel channel to channel coated steel. This is to ensure that your car brake system to function in conditions of pressure and high temperature and brake reaction will be much faster when pressed padel. 

Finally, just make sure each time you send your car to change engine oil, ask the mechanic to check the brake oil, gear box oil, brake pads, the third brake light, brake and clucth padel levels, tire air pressure, aligment tires, spark plugs, air filter, fuel filter and so on. Do not just change the black oil com for other equipment should also be regularly inspected. Do not be fooled by mechanics who just changed the black oil and black oil filter when we send the car to the service and we are charged with high wages.
Submerged Car Tips Flood

Here are some tips for all of the action after the flood submerged cars.
1. After the flood subsided, check your car. If you sink the entire car including the engine and parts in the cabin of the car, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SWITCH engined car. This action is usually done by agents penunda workshop or car. The reason that car owners have to pay more for car repairs because when you try to turn the car engine, the electric current to flow to the engine electronic systems, including computer box
(For electronic injection cars) and if there are remnants of water in the tool, there will be a short circuit in which the device had in place. The cost of a computer box is about RM1000 - RM1500 depending on car type, cc and consumer choice. Action on the sensor will also cause all of which would normally switch to operate when we turn our engine on fire and is usually a sensor is not very expensive price, but the effect of the sensor does not work can lead to high costs. Take the example of sensors to detect or to direct the flow gearbox oil well in the gear box when not working will cause the gearbox oil distribution is uneven and most of the gear box to work properly is 2 to 3 months. After that, the entire gearbox to be replaced 
(the price for a new gearbox hero is approximately 1.6 auto RM7000). This is one reason why when we buy a new car, a car warranty will be repealed when we modify the car elektirk including the car audio system when the sensor does not receive a sufficient amount of electricity, it can not function well and related equipment will be damaged.
2. When they got to the workshop, your car bogelkan cover a whole, including all electronic devices. 

3. Check your car's spark plugs. Make sure it is not watery. If water means the water has gone into the engine. Also, check the engine oil. Make sure the engine oil is not mixed with water. And do not check the exception of petrol. After all electronic equipment has been thoroughly dried completely (usually 2 or 3 days). Engine can be turned on but do not try to run the car as the gearbox has not been examined.
4. If the engine can be turned on, murahlah expenses if not possible to reach thousands and thousands. Check the gearbox oil, it is usually red and if mixed with water, the color will turn into water color views (red milk). If mixed with water, gear oil change, run the car for 2-5 minutes and check back in gear oil. Repeat this action until the gearbox oil to be really clear or red water. Normally, this process must be repeated up to 7-8 times and will use about 15-20 liters of gearbox oil.
If there is no damage that involves electronic equipment, the cost would only involve wages, engine oil, gearbox oil and some water-sensitive equipment such as air filter (original).
Among the factors Engines Less Water Too Hot
The overheated engine due to numerous factors including the lack of water in the radiator, clogged radiator pipes, dirt and damage the radiator fins on cooling system thermostat. 

Also less accurate ignition system, damage to the fuel channel system, the exhaust is blocked, the problem dibble, brake friction and how poor vehicle handling is also causing the engine warms up. 

The engine is too hot for too long on after making a long journey can be a dangerous thing if slow to act because it can cause the vehicle to burn or explode. When the engine is too hot, stop beside the road with shade. 
The first step, open the car bonnet to cool while the engine and check one of the sources mentioned earlier. First, check to make sure the vehicle radiator leak was divided. 

After that, check the fan belt. If there is a leak in the radiator or a broken fan belt, switch off the engine. If there is no leak in the radiator and fan belt is still intact, turn on the engine and run it for a while at a higher rotation than normal. This was to allow air to flow through the radiator fins in large quantities. Water in the radiator will be cold and the water pump will work more quickly that the cooling water can drain better. 

Not long after that the engine temperature will decrease. Then the rotation of the engine revealed earlier and open the radiator cap. The cover should be opened carefully to avoid danger of hot water and steam spraying out of the radiator. Enter the water slowly into the radiator while the engine is still in normal condition 
and turn off the engine if there had been a cold . If too little water in the radiator, it will cause the engine to heat and steam will come out of the radiator. In this case, switch off the engine immediately and check the radiator. 

First, open the radiator cap back once and ketukkannya using screwdrivers and slowly rotate the cloth. Hold firmly closed up steam in the radiator to flow and pressure in the radiator to be low. After that cap is released. If there is a leak in the radiator, especially at the connection pipe or channel, turn the engine at a higher rotation than usual and check the connection points. The situation was critical because there are some leaks are not visible at low engine rotation. If there is a leak, tighten the screw fasteners and loop fasteners, if damaged, use the wire in place. 

If there are leaks, wrap the damaged parts with tape and reinforced with wire.You have to remember that improvement is only for a while before carrying vehicles kebengkel near.
A clogged radiator pipes due to the scale or rust will disrupt the water cycle or cause it to stop even though there are a lot of water. The situation may be understood by examining the flow of waste water at the tap. If water flow is not smooth or not out at all the circumstances indicate clogged radiator pipes.
To fix, open the water tap on the engine block so that cooling water can be produced. Open the radiator cap and rinse with clean water for about ten minutes to remove scale or rust is. Radiator fins due to impurities in the dry leaves, insects or mud that sticks to the face will cause the radiator cooling air flow will be interrupted until the water warms. Impurities on the surface can be cleaned with high pressure air or water menyemburnya. Confusion on vehicle handling measures also cause engine warms up. 
While the engine is in good condition but when the vehicle is climbing a hill or overloading, it can get hot. The engine is cooled back to you shortly how to stop the vehicle, opened the bonnet, turn on the engine at high rotation or fill the radiator with cold water.
How to Troubleshoot Engine Not Functioning
The engine is the most important element of a vehicle. However, there are times where not so lucky, the engine can not be switched even if the key is turned to the start.Ada some of the possible damage that can occur based on the symptoms, causes and repairs that can be done. 

If you have any problems with the starter (starter), we have learn how to start the engine when the battery and / or motor starter in disrepair. When the engine will be switched easily as batteries and / or motor starter in disrepair, usually the engine will start with the following procedure: 
Turn the engine by pushing the vehicle (for the car owner). Despite the weak battery, the engine will be switched on by pushing the vehicle when the battery is at least still be able to explain headlights. 

First, turn the switch and then seek the help of two or three people to push your car forward. When the vehicle is moving fast enough, then release the pedal. When the engine is able to function, fast pijaklah pijaklah pedal while the accelerator pedal to increase engine torque. Using the same procedure, the car can also be turned on by another vehicle pulled. Both procedures can not be used for automatic cars. 
The other way is to start the engine with the help of a battery from another vehicle. If you have any other vehicle with a battery that is good and available cable is long enough, the engine can be switched on by connecting the positive terminal to the positive and negative to negative from both the vehicle.This method can be done when both batteries have the same power. 
Another problem that may face the starter motor works but the engine will be switched on. When the starter contact switch is turned, the starter motor works but the engine is not rotating axle. And in other cases, the starter contacts when the switch is turned, the engine can work but is not going well and then die suddenly. Sightseeing plans on hold until the problems were solved. Now they continue the mission to detect problems that occur. In this case, the damage that may occur is damage to the starter motor, starter motor teeth or damaged wheel forces.
Genesis is not the first time there. In other cases when the contact switch is turned, the starter motor turns the engine axle work and fast but the engine can not function or starter contacts when the switch is turned, the engine work is not going well and then die suddenly. 

In both cases they probably dealing with damage to the fuel delivery system (fuel systems) or the ignition system. When the starter motor to rotate the axle work and a good engine but the engine can not function, then it shows the damage did not occur in the battery and start equipment. Usually, when the compression process will run smoothly, the engine will not suddenly broken. Thus, the damage should be sought on petrol and the transmission system penyalaannya. 

When that situation occurs, the matter should be examined are: whether the oil in the tank, is enough oil in the carburettor? If sufficient, this means that damage may be located on the ignition system. If the spill is (carburettor wet), the engine because the oil is difficult distart in the chamber too much.Oil spill closes needles usually happens because the handling of oil entry to the room floats (the carburettor) does not work, probably because of dust stuck. If the spill is on the engine failure, remove the oil from the carburettor, clean the dirt in the needle and re-close the oil. 

overflowing carburetor engine can be turned on in the following manner. Foot pedal full of petrol, run the starter motor. Oil coming from the carburetor into the cylinder through the suction channel can be removed and then the engine to function. Control board such that the rotation of the engine oil is too high. 

Even so, there is a possibility the engine can not function, while still full of carburettor. In this case, if not know correct itself, it is best brought to the workshop for repair
Entered Car Engine Water
FOR you who live in Kuala Lumpur, flash floods are among the 'scary' for motorists. When you are busy at the office, without knowing your car is covered with flood due to heavy rains continued. 

When this happens, it will involve high cost of repairs. But the cost can be reduced if the tip can be applied. If all the cars and the engine down, check your car after the floods recede. Never turn the engine as it will cause you ended up paying double. This action is usually done by agent penunda workshop or truck owner is not responsible for you paying a higher cost to fix it. This is because when the engine is tried on in this position, electrical current will flow to the engine electronic systems, including computer box (for electronic injection cars). If masihada water residue in the tool, a short circuit may occur and the tool had to be replaced.
Action may cause all the light sensor switches the engine will burn. The price of a sensor is not expensive, but the effect of the sensor does not work that could cost many times.
Upon arrival at the workshop, go to your car, including closing the entire electronic device. Spark plugs should be checked and make sure it is not watery. Engine oil should also be examined whether it is mixed with water or not. Similarly, the petrol. After all electronic equipment is fully dry (usually two to three days), the engine can be turned on but do not have to be moved because the gearbox has not been examined. 

If the engine can be switched on, the cost is not too expensive. Otherwise, it may reach thousands of dollars. Then the gearbox oil should be checked. In normal circumstances it will be red, but if mixed with water, the color will change to pink. If mixed with water, gear oil should be changed and the engine should be turned in within two to five minutes. Then the gearbox oil was examined again and repeat this process until it is truly a red and not mixed with water. Normally, this process must be repeated up to eight times and will use about 15 to 20 liters of gear box oil. 
If there is no damage that involves electronic equipment, the cost may involve only the wages of mechanics, engine oil, gearbox oil and other sensitive equipment such as water air filter.
Procedure When Driving Rain
Driving rains and favorable impact for cooling systems, but at the same time the driver is less clear, while the surface is wet and slippery roads can cause a high percentage of accidents. 

There are three aspects as a guide when faced with such a situation. The first aspect is related to the vehicle being driven, That: -
  • Make sure there are no leaks at the bottom of the vehicle
  • All doors have the arms (seal) a good
  • Make sure there are no leaks on the engine, gearbox, bearings and bearing. This is because water can leak into the part due to high current stress and on the way out into the flooded
  • Clutch systems, brake and hand brake system in good condition
  • Good tread condition for full grip
  • Wiper (wiper), horn and elektrial system of the vehicle headlights and lamps must be functioning properly
The second aspect relating to measures to be taken by the driver when flooded out into the street, is: -
  • Give way to heavy vehicles, and estimate the water height diredah to see high limits tire
  • If one foot below the water level, driving can be done, but the driver should memendu slowly. Sprinkle water to avoid wetting the particular engine ignition system
  • Avoid memendu fast as it can cause the engine wet with water and other road users, particularly motorcyclists and pedestrians hit by throughfall or sprinkle
  • After trekking roads flooded, do not continue to memendu speed because brake system is not fully functional due to the wet surface of the brake. To overcome this problem are some guidelines that can be practiced as follows:
    • Use gear 1 and 2 for vehicles using the gear first gear for manual and automated systems
    • Press the brake pedal simultaneously with the gas pedal to produce heat at the surface of the brake
    • For 4-wheel drive, automatic gear as the gear manually. Limit speed of between 5 and 15 kmj and Stand in front of your vehicle with the vehicle. This process will dry braking surface
    • Test on repeated actions at a distance of 20 to 30 meters
    • Test the brakes at a speed of 20 kmj
    • If the brake fails, repeat the above process. After the test the braking system until satisfactory performance before speeding
6 how to take care of tires
Tyres most important and the most important components of a vehicle. If damaged, it can cause accidents, thus threatening the driver and passengers without warning. 

Try to check your car tires. Notice of each tread with a tread are a link. If the connector is the same height with flowers, which means it needs to be changed in three to four months, depending on how often you use the vehicle.
Here are a few guidelines when you want to change a car tire.
Select the appropriate size of the car with us. For example, if Proton Wira 1.3 and want to use the rim, to the extent sufficient for 14-inch rim size because if you use 15-inch size, strength will decrease the acceleration of the car, speedometer does not record accurate readings, all equipment shock absorbers will be shorter lifespan.
After obtaining the appropriate size, note the side of the tire.There are a number of broadcast networks sunk to the side surface of the tire. Actually, this number gives us the range of information on tires manufactured date (week and year).
We can use this information for security purposes.According to international standard tires, it only lasted for two years after manufacture.
About the size, try to look at network numbers and letters printed on the side surface in the tire. For example, 205/50 VR 16 means the tire has a width of 205 mm, thickness (from rim to permukana road) is 50 percent of the width of 205 mm and to use size 16-inch rim. The letters VR means, tires suitable for speeds up to 240 km / h without affecting the strength and durability of the tire.
Most of us prefer imported tires. However, most tires are made based on the climate, and when used in the heat of Malaysia, a shorter lifespan.
Tires should be changed every three months position. To do so, the left front tire was transferred to the right back and right front tires converted to left back.
If the rate of tread wear on the left and right side more quickly than in the middle, this means a tire air pressure is less.
Tips to Buy Spare Part
To the knowledge of all, now on the market there are at least five grade spare part. 
1. Spare part of the original producing country such as Japan and the UK. Its price is very expensive and only available from authorized distributors. These products are very high quality and guaranteed durability. Usually the seller will provide a guarantee on this product. 

2. Spare part original, but made ​​in Malaysia under a license manufacturer.The price is a bit cheaper than the goods '1 'above. Good quality and are usually given a guarantee by the seller. 

3. Spare part imitations made ​​in Malaysia or other countries where the price is very cheap, but quality and durability of goods can not be determined. 

4. Spare part Recon. that the Recon in Malaysia. These products are very dangerous because it can cause severe damage to a car engine, if we use it.Priced products such as '2 'above, and the difference is very hard to see the goods. 

5. Spare part secondhand (shop cut). These items can be said to be 
100% original but used. The price is almost half the price of '1 '. Quality depends on the type of goods and vehicles. Usually the seller will provide a limited warranty for this item. 

How do I know this stuff all this stuff. We will explain the differences in products 1, 3 and 4.
Take the example of timing belt. Original timing belt (1) if we hold, the softness of rubber beltnya we think, housekeeping items we see in print part numbers and a way to test it, use our fingernails and try Scrape part number printed on the belt. If possible, print out the number of goods then it is '3 '.But if you want off our nails, it is goods '1 'or '2'. After using the products '3 'for 3 months or more, usually, we will hear a sound like a loose belt and usually mechanics will try to adjust. for the timing belt has never been the stuff we found '4 '. 

Be careful with the disposal of low engine oil because the oil is usually recycled oil or Recon. Not only oil, plugs, absorber, klutch plates, brake pads, oil filter, air filter. Engine oil will usually depend on the sticky oil viscosity Recon but if we think we will find it less sticky and smells like burning things. 

For the absorber, try to look at the shiny steel is divided into the absorber. If damaged or oil absorber at sealnya I leak, the oil will come out through the four holes around the absorber rods. But absorber Recon, is already a hole in the cap by a screw or screw threads for use as absorbers adjustable. Klutch plate was kia can see the color difference between the spikes and tear or rebates are used to attach the pad klutch with spikes / original rebate. The plug can not be detected the difference, but after using it I think you will know because the plug Recon, jangkahayatnya soon. 

Here could not be explained further as the difference between items 1, 2, 3 and 4 can only be seen if there are two items of the same type but different category. 

Finally, make sure before buying a spare part, ask the seller if the goods to be purchased are items 1, 2, 3 or 4. Dicadangankan buy items 1 or 2 even though its price slightly, but it will save us in the long run.
Guides during emergencies
A. Had to stop at the Highway:

- Give the signal and exit the highway's shoulder gently. 

- lower front lights were lit at dusk, night and rain. 

- Turn on the lights in the vehicle and emergency lights. 

- If the vehicle is stopped at the corner or on the top of the hill and the danger, remove the
passengers away from the traffic flow. 

- Ensure that emergency equipment is placed within a distance of 5 meters behind the vehicle. 

- Lift the bonnet and get help.

B. Forward mirrors Breach:
- Slow down, increase the interval of the window and stopped in a safe place. 

- Range blanket or cloth on the dashboard and place the pieces of glass on a blanket or cloth
may be. 

- Protect eyes by wearing glasses. 

- Replace the broken windshield immediately. 

C . Facing the accident: 

- low speed limit can reduce the force of impact. Way to the road shoulder on the left
and drive out of the road.
- Sound the horn and turn on your headlights. Do not try turning on the right side because
the driver may be surprised and hit you.
Car Care Tips
Note the tires enough wind. There is no strange thing to stick in the tire or any part of the car. 

Before starting the course, turn on the engine and wait until the engine idle RPM padar normal rate and the new road. Before the switch engine, onkan switch and wait for any lights should be off before the engine life, particularly if applied Satria GTI, make sure the light "check engine" switch the engine off before. If engines do not continue the way I live. And then press the brake and the way forward slightly and press the brake, if the car is stopped, new roads can connect the road. Ever happened to a friend, enter the car, start engine on the track. Until the junction press brake, the car did not stop so he stopped to help the hero behind and have to pay RM1000 Aeroback to change the front bumper, rear hero tu Aeroback. 

once a week if possible, check the third brake lights and brake lights. Make sure it works. Open the engine bonnet, open the battery cover and check the battery water. Make sure it is in between the minimum and maximum levels.Open the cover of the brake oil (large bottle near the body in front of the drivers in the bonnet engine), make sure that sufficient oil. Search engine oil inspector needle. For deer he was in the front near the moving belt when engine life (the yellow). Unplug and wipe oil on the needle and then insert the needle back tu. Count to five and pull back. Oil must be at the level between the minimum and maximum. If below the minimum, put a little engine oil to the extent that I have said. For auto car, looking for a needle in much the same shape but in the opposite side of the first needle (to check the gear box oil). Do the same as the first.
Once a month, go to the oil pump and check the tire pressure. Appropriate pressure is in the record on the inside of the column B (column between the front and back doors) next to the driver. Also, check the tire pressure reserve.Every 3 months (if you use the car daily to work, go to the shop Rotate tires and tires on the appropriate arrangements 
(refer to my tips on tires). 

Every 5.000 km to go to the workshop, change the engine oil (if using regular fuel) , change the oil filter every 2 times change engine oil and replace the plug every engine oil change three times. If the old model cars 
(up to 660 deer in 1996) which adopted "Petnam" or point of contact, ask meknaik washing three times the point of contact of each engine oil change and change every nine times the engine oil change. 

And the last, every week or two or three weeks, pergila vacuum our cars, especially our car cushions (try clapping our car cushions, watch the dust out of the cushions).
Function of cylinder lubricating oil cool friction
Lubricating oil or commonly known as black oil (though not black) is very important to enable functional and the car engine can be running smoothly. It should be changed every 5,000 or 10.000 kilometers depending on the type and grade.
However, for the first time new car oil change black, it can be done at 1,000 miles the first as recommended by the manufacturer and distributor. In addition to moving engine components such as pistons and steel balls, it is also intended to cool the friction on the cylinder with a separate hot air to other parts.
Use of lubricant also prevents rusting engine components other than fuel deposits. Because of l
Meaning Number At Tires
In fact, each tire has detailed information on the type, size and keumpamaan, including the week and year of release. anyone can understand this information to choose the right tires for their vehicles. The most accurate way to understand is to select an example of the tires and look into it little by little.Below is a guide to the meaning of the most important number for a tire. For example, we examine the following numbers: 175/70R13 82H. The first 175 numbers in the series refers to the width in millimeters, the distance is measured from side to side. usually if the larger figure is more than the width of the tires. Number 70 said the aspect ratio (ratio aspact) tires or tire height than the width of the tire. In the example, the height of the tire width 70% adalag tires. Usually tires with aspect ratio below 55 are classified as low-profile tires. Low-profile tires give the overall handling performance even better comfort aspects may be affected slightly. The letter "R" refers to radial construction tires and all car tires use radial construction 20 years ago. Radial construction tires and tubes do not have better performance. The figure 13 refers to the diameter (diameter) rim to allow the tire load. If you want to switch to a larger diameter tire, you also need to change the diameter of the rim. Number 82 represents the index's ability to carry heavier tires. To find the maximum weight represents the number "82" we should refer to the chart 'index tire carrying capacity of heavy "set at the international level. for example, the number 82 means the tire is able memikiu maximum weight 475 pounds. Journal of the maximum weight on each tire, we must multiply 4 times to get heavy carrying capacity of vehicles with four wheels. (Example: 475 x 4 = 1900 kg) The letter "H" the last state the maximum speed for a tire that is designed. The standard speed of H in the example means that the tire can achieve and maintain a speed as far as 210 km / h. Below is a chart listing the maximum speed as dilambang by each letter of the alphabet. S-180 km / h T-190 km / h U-200 km / h H-210 km / h V-240 km / h Z-than hadlaju 240 km / j W-270 km / h Y-300 km / h for tires with a speed capability over 270 km / h, the letters ZR to be used.

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